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This site - henceforth known as "the Site" - has been created by the company - henceforth known as the "Editor" - :

Company name Provence Home
Company stucture SAS
Capital 7500 €
Head office 349, rue des Poulivets 84580 OPPÈDE
Company registration number 803 151 356 00018
Phone number +33 (0)4 90 74 54 47
Publishing director Madame Gerault
Professional registration number 8401 2016 000 014 681
Guarantee fund RCP MMA n°144 744 294
VAT number
Pro card issued by: CCI du Vaucluse, 46 Cours Jean Jaurès - 84008 Avignon
Pro card delivery on: 13-09-2022
Médiateur : ANM Conso, 2 rue de Colmar – 94300 VINCENNES ; ;
"(*) This information is not currently available, but please contact us if you wish further information."

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